
膠面牆紙 - 采取紙背面上膠的方式;上膠要塗刷到位,並塗刷均勻,特別是牆紙兩邊要塗刷到位,否則會容易出現翹邊;一般情況下,等待5分鍾左右就可以施工。

純紙牆紙 - 普通純紙;稀膠,紙上上膠,等待10~15分鍾。純紙如果摺痕太多,上牆之後是能看見的,而且是刮不平的,因此純紙一般是對折之後卷起來進行悶膠。(施工時盡量用毛刷,避免紙變形收縮顯縫)

無紡牆紙 - 濃膠薄塗,膠過稀容易滲透到牆紙表面,污染牆紙表面;牆上上膠,膠要一次刷到位,刷膠時刷的面積要比牆紙的寬幅略寬些,不然下幅刷膠容易刷到前一幅的牆紙上;陰角、地角線、開花板、門套邊等處不容易滾到膠的地方要用小刷塗刷膠液,要確保膠液塗刷到位,均勻。

金箔牆紙 - 牆上上膠,紙背擦水,刷水後捲起來,不要對折,對折有摺痕。金箔紙必須用中性無腐蝕膠(PH=7),否則易產生變色等問題。

紡織牆紙 - 牆上上膠,背面擦水;膠要用濕膠,最好用植物纖維膠。

絨布牆紙 - 牆上上膠,不能溢膠,不能見水。

砂粒牆紙 - 牆上上膠;盡量不要讓牆紙移動,背面和牆上不能有顆粒;不能溢膠,如果不小心溢膠不能來回擦拭,用海綿點一點,擦掉。小技巧:不能用刮板和毛刷,用泡沫滾筒或普通滾筒套個絲襪;顆粒之間用手指壓一壓,排出空氣。

Spackle and sandpaper the wall to smooth any imperfections, then apply a coat of wallpaper primer. While it dries, cover a long worktable with a clean plastic painter's tarp. Make sure your hands are clean when process the following.
If you're papering a whole wall, cut vertical strips 4 inches longer than the wall height; once the paper is up, you'll trim the excess. Arrange wallpaper strips side by side on the floor to ensure that the pattern lines up correctly, gently taping them together with painter's tape to temporarily secure them. If you're making a shape, cut it out on a cutting mat with a utility knife.
Use a tape measure and a pencil to mark where on the wall the paper will be placed. For example, mark the top edge of a chair rail or sides of a rectangle.
Pour premixed clear wallpaper glue into a paint roller tray. Use a small paint roller to apply it quickly and evenly to the back of the paper.
Now apply the paper one strip at a time, smoothing each onto the wall from the center outward using an 8-inch plastic smoother. For long strips, use a stepladder and work from the top down; have someone hold the other end as you position it. The seams of side-by-side strips should place against one another, not overlap; make sure these seams lie flat by using a seam-roller.
Once a piece is up, you have about 10 to 15 minutes to perfect its placement. Carefully push any bubbles out toward the borders.
Wash off excess glue with a damp natural sponge, continuing to smooth the wallpaper as you go.
